Difference Between Judicial Custody And Police Remand

Judicial Custody And Police Remand: Whenever someone commits a crime, he or she is arrested. The mistake that most people make is they consider arrest and custody to be synonymous. However, both are different and have separate meanings. For a layperson, it is not possible to have legal knowledge or to know the clauses of Indian…

How to Identify Difference between Lawyer and Advocate?

Advocate and lawyer difference everyone at some time in their lives needs help regarding matters about the law. It could be on account of inheriting a property or an asset. You might be involved in the process inheriting a property or selling it and so on. These are instances wherein the transactions are legally recorded…

The Difference Between Police Custody And Judicial Custody Explained

Police Custody And Judicial Custody: Not many of us understand legal terms. Only people studying law or working under Indian law has a clear idea about these legal terms. If you are asked the difference between arrest and custody, you will not be able to provide the correct answer. Many people think that there is no difference…

What Should You Know About Cyber Crime in India?

The use of the Internet has led to a plethora of crimes that have been popularly known as cybercrimes. These crimes are committed by misusing and misappropriating the data that people share on the Internet. In India, there are strict laws against cyber crime to protect the people who use the Internet. But any prosecution under cybercrime…

What are Intellectual Property Rights in India?

When it comes to intellectual property rights in India, the law is quite clear regarding ownership. For a layperson, the confusion usually lies in the fact that intellectual property is intangible. Hence, how can there be ownership rights associated with it? But consider a scenario where there is a computer technologist, and he has developed a unique…

When Do You Need to Hire a Criminal Lawyer in Delhi?

Criminal Lawyer in Delhi: When it comes to hiring criminal lawyers, you must select advocates located in a particular region. Say, for instance, you have to fight the case from Delhi, then you need to find Criminal Lawyer in Delhi. The primary reason is that the case will be sent for trial to the local court or…