Dowry Case Law - Karuna Sharma

There are times in life when the veil shatters, and people come face to face with the truth. One such heinous crime that rattles the roots of women and shook them to the core is the dowry. Dowry cases are pretty common and still practiced in India.

Many instances also point out that even today; dowry practice is performed in many rural and semi-urban areas. And when the desired amount is not met, the bride’s side of the family is forced to face dire circumstances.

At, we know what it takes to fight off a dowry case. Our lawyers are well invested in the dowry case law practiced in the country today and hence bring forth exceptional services on this forefront.

Dowry is or a social evil that has till now consumed many women in its fury. In India, the prevention of dowry act was first stated in 1961 under civil law. After that, subsequent people who suffered torture in the name of dowry could file a complaint against the abusers under 304B and 498A.

One of the foremost reasons for introducing these acts was to help women file a complaint against the harassment done to them. The dowry case might look minor on the surface level, but in reality, many brides still bear the brunt of these cases.

Services That We Offer:

There are many services that we offer to people who have somehow been affected by dowry cases. Our firm and lawyers have an exceptional reputation of being experts who know how to fight the dowry well against evil people.

We know that even though several times dowry laws are criticized by the public for the misuse by both women and their families, we stand by our words. Our lawyers study the case thoroughly and help our clients untangle the web of deceit that has been forced on them.

Cases against the Dowry Act:

These cases serve as catalysts that attack the honor of women from all aspects. Thus, all the lawyers employed with us have a keen understanding of the cases that come under this act. We help victims who have been wronged deceitfully and help them fight the cases rightfully under the dowry law of India.

There are mainly two instances in which women can raise her voice against the perpetrators; if the dowry is given directly or indirectly by one party to the other through marriage.

Secondly, if the woman or her family is abused after marriage, the dowry demands are not met. In either of these cases, our lawyers will help you out.

Cases against IPC Section 406:

Most of the dowry case rules under this section occurs if there is a breach of trust. Our lawyers are well-versed in this section and offer protection to the victim if her trust is broken in any form. This means if by any chance the cases charged are found agreeable, then the guilty are given imprisonment, which extends to three years with or without a fine.

Cases under the IPC Section 304B:

The word of the law under this law states that if a woman is grievously injured due to dowry misgivings, then the in-laws and the husband are subjected to dowry case punishment. Our expert professionals have a deep understanding of this matter and thus protect and save the honor of oppressed women in their in-law’s place.  

And if a woman dies in strange circumstances at her in-law’s place and accuses her husband and others of dowry death, then the punishment is very severe. If all the cases are proved, then the guilty will be subjected to either seven years of punishment or life imprisonment.

We firmly believe that dowry is an unspeakable evil that is roaming freely due to people’s ignorance. Our only aim is to help women out of the social shackles and help them lead a respectful life easily.

Our professional team is one of the best and is available to clear your doubts and bring an end to your woes. Thus, you can easily reach us with a call in case of any doubt, and our experts will get in touch immediately. Feel free to get in touch.