Effective Means To Read And Understand The Bare Act

To understand the law, you need to read the Bare Act thoroughly. The constitution of India Bare Act is the text of a particular enactment by the legislature. Many students of law complain about not understanding the language of the Bare Act. True that the Bare Act is written in a complicated tone, but when you are studying law, you cannot ignore the Bare Act. When reading the Bare Act, you will not find any detailed description. It just contains the Acts. To read the Bare Act correctly, you have to follow a simple strategy – read, understand, absorb and apply. The more you use the Bare Acts in practical life, the more readily do you acknowledge it.

Given below are some rules that you can follow to read the CrPC Bare Act for better understanding:

1. Know the purpose of the Act

First and foremost, while reading the CPC Bare Act, you have to understand the Act’s objective and purpose. Second, you have to find out why the legislature enacted this Act. If you are a law student, you will notice that almost every Act has a long title at the beginning. However, if you read carefully, you will see that this title defines the objective of the Act.

Let us take an example here. If you take a look at the title of the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973, its title says: “An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to criminal procedure.” Similarly, the extended title of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 says,”An Act to define the law relating to the transfer of property by act of parties.”Therefore, when reading the Bare Acts, always try to connect to every section, clause, and illustration along with their purposes. This will help you retain things in a better manner.

2. Read the interpretation or definition clause

At the beginning of every Act, you will find an interpretation or a definition clause that clearly explains some of the essential terms used in the Act. For example, most of the explanations of the terms of the IPC Bare Actare contained in Section 2. For a better description, let’s take up an example—the Indian ContractAct of 1872 consists of defining some terms used in the Act. However, not all Acts provide interpretations or definitions.

3. Interpret literally

While reading the Bare Act, you have to know to interpret it in two ways. One is the literal meaning, and the other is the meaning under it. However, for a better understanding of a statue, literal interpretation should be your priority. Generally, the judges of the court or people associated with law and order of the country follow the literal meaning of the Bare Acts. This means you should read the Bare Acts simply and concisely. Make sure you do not come up with any guessed purpose when reading the Bare Acts.

4. Break the sentences into parts and read

In the Bare Acts, you will come across several long and complicated sentences that may scare you. Well, there is nothing to get afraid of these long sentences. When reading the Bare Acts, take each part of the sentence one by one. Break the sentences into smaller pieces. Read them slowly and patiently. Whenever you see a comma, take a pause. Reading Bare Act should never be like reading a novel. It is not a pleasure reading. This is a serious matter that needs to be taken care of. To have a clear understanding of each Bare Act, go slow. Hurrying will ultimately lead you to nowhere. Take your time, go slowly, and you will indeed manage all the Acts shortly.

5. Give particular emphasis to some important terms

Many law students often get confused in the different aspects of Bare Acts because they do not pay attention to tiny butessential terms while reading the Bare Acts. Some words like ‘and,”may,”shall,”should’ and the like should be given some special attention,

6. Take help from the standard textbook

You will find a lot of books that explain the Bare Acts available in the market. However, not all books can be referred to as they do not belong to the same standard. Therefore, make sure you take help only from those books or refer to study materials of a good standard.

7. Choosing the edition of Bare Act

This is one of the essential factors that many of you miss out on. Many get confused between the diglot edition of the Bare Act and the English version. It is better to go with the diglot version because it has both English and Hindi versions of the Acts.


Therefore, it can be rightly said that following the points mentioned above will help you read and understand the Bare Acts in a better way. In any case, if you face any issues, you can surely consult with a learned professional.

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