
What is The Full Form of LLM & Benefits of Masters of Law

If you aspire to be a lawyer, you would undoubtedly want to know whether you have a bright prospect or not. Pursuing a career in law is not only lucrative socially but also relevant career-wise. LLM full form, Latin Legum Magistrate, commonly known as the Masters of Law, is equivalent to the post-graduate degree that imparts specialization in law to the students. However, this needs to be kept in mind that without completing the LLM full form in law, one can still become and practice as a lawyer at ease.

Given below are some benefits of completing the LLM full form in India:

a. Plan to make an international career

Once you have completed the LLM degree from a reputed university, you can plan to build up a career over the seas. If you are planning to make a career in law abroad, you need to learn about the country’s legal system you settle in. Practicing law internationally and then returning to your own country and establishing a firm here is sure to work as an added advantage. Along with the full form of LLM degree, this will be considered as your specialization.

b. Narrow down your interests

Before knowing the full form of LLM, it is important for you to know that almost all graduate courses in law prepare you in a general manner. This means, in nearly all the universities, the graduate course of law is more or less the same. Therefore, if you have a keen interest in working with some specific genre of law, getting an LLM degree is a must. You have to dedicate one or two years after completing the graduation level from a recognized university for the LLM course.

c. Switch specializations

Suppose you have done a specialization but did not get the correct exposure to showcase your knowledge, never mind. After practicing as an intern in a law firm, you will surely gain the knowledge and expertise to handle complicated cases. Remember, when it comes to giving legal advice to people, gaining experience and knowledge is a need. You can gather knowledge on intellectual property tax, corporate law, etc., which will add credentials to your name later.

d. Diversify and aim for bigger bucks

Once you manage to successfully spend two years in a reputed university and gain an LLM degree from there, you do not need to think much about your earnings. The university and your LLM degree will determine your payments. Besides, an LLM degree from a reputed university can give you a better opportunity for a job promotion. However, it would help if you also kept in mind that only getting an LLM degree from a renowned university is not enough. As a lawyer and for practicing law, you need to have some skills as well.

e. Prepare your CV well

Many candidates do not get selected in a good law firm or cannot make big in life due to his resume. If there are loopholes in a candidate’s resume, he is sure to suffer until it is corrected or changed. If you want to get into the law firm you have been dreaming of for years, make sure your curriculum vitae or CV is correctly written. If you fail to write a CV properly, hire the professional services of CV writers. Besides, getting an LLM degree in law from a top university, which, when added to the CV, is sure to give you an impetus for that many look forward to.

f. Embrace your inner academic career

After you complete your LLM degree from a top university or overseas, you can get the opportunity to write research papers as well. Many opt for doctorate degrees after masters in law and pursue Ph.D. Once Ph.D. is completed, you can also start teaching as a professor of law in different law colleges and universities. At the same time, you can practice law privately or have a law firm of your own. Therefore, you will be gifted with two attractive career options – a law practitioner and a professor of law.

g. Grow a legal network

One of the most significant advantages of completing a master’s degree in law is that you can develop many connections. This is because, when studying the master’s of law, you are already getting a specialization done. If you can manage to get the LLM degree abroad, it will open up scope for you. You will be able to connect with people coming from different spheres of life.


Therefore, studying the master of law is sure to benefit you in numerous ways, as discussed above. In addition, having an LLM degree is sure to get you more clients, thereby enhancing your legal career. Therefore, choose a reputed law university and complete your LLM from there.

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